1988. Good. No markings. Light cover wear. Crease. Himself married five times, it does seem like Ingmar Bergman might be a reliable writer of any book called The Marriage Scenarios.
2019. Very Good. No markings. A tribute to remembrance, determination, and the significance of the written word. Not to mention an impressive new work of Japanese literature… and a dangerous warning of Orwellian surveillance around the corner.
1983. Good. No markings. Light cover wear. The work of Franz Kafka is so singular that his name has been forever linked to a certain experience. That eerie, unreal, on-the-wheel sensation? Yeah. That s kafkaesque.
1988. Very Good. No markings. Written by a friend and collaborator of the Beat Generation, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the journey through the Sahara Desert at the center of this debut novel turns out to be a hallucinatory trip.
2002. Very Good. No markings. Dust jacket shows slight wear. Honestly, who doesn t want to read a history of writers on drugs? From Homer to Burroughs and from the obvious to the lesser known.